Improve the problem

Carolyn Spalla

To the Editor:

This letter is in response to the [editorial] entitled “Divorce law proposal lacking,” written by the Iowa State [Daily] Editorial Board,

The [editorial]’s main point states that Governor Terry Branstad wants to make it more difficult to get a divorce in Iowa. I believe that this is the opposite way to handle the situation of divorce.

I agree with the Iowa State [Daily] Editorial Board, when they suggest looking at this problem from a different angle. We, the majority of college students who will most likely marry someday, need to look at the reason why people are deciding to get divorced.

Is there a lack of time to get to know one another, a communication problem of a financial problem?

I feel that it is important to have opportunities for the couples to work out some of these problems. Marriage is a very big step in a person’s life, and a big decision like this takes time and work in order for it to succeed.

I also feel that it is important not to use the excuse “I guess we can make it work,” or “we need to stay together for the kids’ sake.”

These sayings are too common in today’s society. The best way to decrease divorce rates is to work to improve the problem, not make it harder to get a divorce.

Carolyn Spalla


Animal Science Pre-Vet