Mall Santa spreads holiday cheer

Carrie Hykes

A big red suit and a heart to match is just about all it takes to be the bearer of Christmas cheer, a.k.a. Santa Clause, for the children of Ames.

Bryan Rowe, a machine operator from Randall, is one of many volunteers who is giving his time this holiday season to be Santa to hundreds of children at North Grand Mall.

Rowe said “there are no downfalls to being Santa. It makes me feel good.” He finds “happiness in all the kids and the excitement they show.”

His wife made him his suit five years ago, Rowe said, to help him “get through Christmas. Because you can’t always get what you want.”

Rowe’s Santa experience also consists of drop-ins at private homes. He doesn’t get paid, but for Rowe, it’s not about money.

“Christmas is always supposed to be giving,” he said.

Instead, Rowe asks that families send a picture of themselves for the scrapbook he’s starting.

Rowe said he loves being Santa Claus so much that, “I get excited a few days before I know I’m going to a party.” The same excitement stays with Rowe for a few days afterward as well.

The mall is a relatively new experience for Rowe. Saturday was his second time as a mall Santa. The first time was the day after Thanksgiving. Rowe said it was “a good experience” with “lots of kids.”

He said parties have a different atmosphere “because the kids come expecting to see Santa Claus.” But the kids at the mall “don’t always know that Santa’s here,” and they are more excited to see him.

Rowe said fatherhood is the best training for being Santa Claus. The training comes with, “being with kids and knowing how they like to be treated when they’re with Santa.” Rowe has four children, ages two to 10.

“Having kids, I know what toys are out there. Lots of times, you can guess what they want,” he said.

Santa, or Rowe, has three helpers who take care of the business side of the operation. Becca Siebler, Christy Kimbwall and Whitney Roe, members of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority, were the Saturday morning volunteers who assisted him by meeting the children at the mall entrance, handing out candy canes and taking pictures of kids on Santa’s lap.