Final adventures in Ames

Editorial Board

The “semester from hell” — which seems to be a consensus phrase — will come to a screeching halt next week. For most that’s good news. For graduating seniors, it’s a toss up.

Those Iowa State seniors with engineering degrees on the horizon are most decidedly looking forward to making the plunge into the real world. The latest figures point to a high placement rate with starting salaries in upwards of $40,000 a year. Not bad.

Those Iowa State seniors with — just as an example, of course — a journalism degree on the horizon may not be ready to leave the lucrative world of collegiate journalism. The latest figures point to a low placement rate with starting salaries somewhere south of $20,000. Not good.

But the best news is, regardless of your academic standing or potential for making a decent living, the semester will, barring divine intervention, be complete in just a few short days.

For those returning in January, you’ve got a month to sample the beers of the world after days of relaxation and down-home fun. Though Finals Week isn’t always a happy time, it, without fail, signals the end of the semester.

You may have kicked the ol’ G.P.A. into the 4.0 range or dropped it through the floor, but it doesn’t matter. You get a fresh start come spring, so shrug your shoulders and kick back with Ma and Pa or a few friends for nearly a month.

If this is your final adventure here in Ames, good luck, and remember you’re only a donation check away from reliving your college years.