Professional journalists society starts back up at Iowa State

Andrew Chebuhar

The Iowa State chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists was reinstated in October and is now looking for new members.

SPJ is the largest organization for working journalists in the United States. There are more than 15,000 members nationally.

Ten ISU student members attended SPJ National Convention in St. Paul, Minn., in early October.

“Iowa State had the best SPJ chapter for five straight years in the 80s before the advisors for the organization decided they had other priorities. The advisers were up for tenure, and this university rewards research and other areas over the advising of student organizations,” said SPJ adviser Jeff Stein, an ISU journalism instructor.

SPJ has 15 members. Officers are concentrating on recruitment.

“SPJ is an excellent way to get involved as a journalist. It provides resources and information. We’re finding it’s not difficult to get professionals to come to speak and work with us,” said Jennifer Holland, SPJ vice president.

As a national organization, Stein said, SPJ serves an important function.

“Nationally, SPJ provides outstanding access to information. This helps in making sure the public is served,” he said.