Religion’s for fools

George C. Rawson

To the Editor:

I am tired of reading letters to the editor from religious True Believers! How can they call themselves moral or humane and believe in a god who would allow billions of innocent children and animals to suffer so much?

How long did their God exist in nothingness — no air, no space, no matter, no energy — before deciding that existence was too boring, so he decided to create Hell on earth for entertainment? Only a sadistic being would create animals that have to eat other animals for survival. Many humans do worship such a sadistic God, then declare that man is created in his image, giving them an excuse to commit atrocious crimes against humanity in the name of religion.

If you bake a cake and you know you will have to throw it in the garbage, then why bake it? If God is so loving but created man knowing he would cause wholesale barbaric prolonged torture and killings, then why create man?

They stress religion’s reward of eternal life. This is a selfish delusion. It satisfies nature’s survival instinct of wanting to live forever. Religion is based on fear, egoism and ignorance and has been the cause of wars, murders and racism.

Religion has been the dominant power monetarily and otherwise in our country, and look at all our problems!

The problems of the world do not stem from not enough religion but from too much of it. And anyone can see for themselves just by reading the religious zealots’ letters that religion either attracts the stupid, or makes them stupid, or both.

George C. Rawson

W. Liberty, Iowa