Look past stereotypes

Matt Kramer

To the Editor:

As a freshman at Iowa State University I have been introduced to situations that I didn’t expect.

I guess, as a naive freshman, I had preset ideas of how college life would be, but soon learned that the stereotypes I had were not true.

One of the things that I am learning about that is different from my preset concept of them is fraternities and the entire greek system. I came to college believing in the common stereotype that all fraternities do is party and cause problems around campus. As I also learned, this was way off from the truth.

I now live in a house and have learned what the greek system is about and how it represents a lot more than a few parties or incidents that seem to blind people to all the good they do.

I believe that the greek system is not the bad area on campus like everyone seem to portray nowadays.

Since I have joined a house I have done a little partying, but I also have done things that I am proud of and would, otherwise, not have had the chance to help or participate in.

I have, just for my house this semester, helped in toll roads, basketball tournaments and hay rides for our philanthropy that benefits handicapped or disabled children.

That is just one house; many, if not all, houses on this campus do fund-raisers and other charity events that help the less fortunate, and I feel that this is what should be in the papers instead of rare alcohol accidents.

What people don’t realize is that people in the greek system are there to help the university in any way they can. Many times the help donated is from the person’s or group’s own time. I don’t know about other houses, but we require that every member belong to an on-campus organization to get active not only in the house, but with the university.

What I am trying to say is that people look at only the negative and don’t look any farther. I have learned since I have been here that there is a lot of pride in houses and a lot of that is from their involvement in benefits and on-campus activities.

I feel that people should take the time to look past the stereotype of greeks and drinking and look at what really goes on.

Matt Kramer

