GSB Agenda

The Government of the Student Body will meet at 7 p.m. today in the Pioneer Room of the Memorial Union. The following items will be discussed:

*A bill proposing that upgrades be purchased in the GSB Computer Lab. By Avloes, Pletka and others.

*A bill proposing that $170 be allocated from the Senate Discretionary Fund to purchase a paddle for the ISU Kayaking Club. By Jamey Hansen and Beck.

*A bill proposing that the GSB Bylaws be amended to include an article about the Technology Committee. By Jamey Hansen, Badr and others.

*A bill proposing that $755 be allocated from the Senate Discretionary Fund for World AIDS Day Dec. 1. By Beck, Masri and others.

*A bill proposing that the allocations for student organizations made by the Finance Committee be approved by the Senate. By Cashman, Beck and others.

*A bill proposing that Chad Stevens be seated as a Supreme Court justice. By Tannehill, Jones and others.

*A bill setting the date for the 1996 GSB election.

*A resolution in support of revising student-fee allocation for intercollegiate athletic funding.