Snow causes little problems, big surprises

Jennifer Holland

The first official winter storm warning of the year turned Ames into a winter wonderland Monday, creating a potential hazard for drivers.

The National Weather Service issued a winter storm warning for the northern parts of the state including Ames, but it was reduced to a snow and blowing snow advisory later in the day.

With winds gusting up to 30 mph, a few Ames residents were forced to dance with the snow flakes and car fenders.

There were eight accidents reported to the Ames Police Department as of Monday afternoon. No one was seriously injured.

“The day hasn’t been that bad compared to past snow days. We expected more,” Ames Police Sergeant Jim Robinson said.

The Iowa State Department of Public Safety responded to three accidents. All occurred at the intersection of Thirteenth Street and Haber Road.

According to DPS records, one accident involving two cars caused an estimated $10,000 in damages.

“I was driving west on Thirteenth Street and a car coming from the west suddenly turned sideways and came across the road. I couldn’t change directions and couldn’t stop and I hit the car broadside,” said David Berryhill, 3727 Ontario St.

A local meteorologist said there was little that could be done to combat the bad road conditions.

“The reason the road conditions were so bad is because the temperatures cooled off rapidly throughout the day,” WOI-TV Meteorologist Mark Baden said.

“The salt couldn’t melt the snow fast enough and the slush became ice,” Baden said. “This is the third snowfall of the season. It’s a little unusual to receive this much snow at this time of the year, but it’s nothing out of the ordinary.”

Officials said it was difficult to tell just how much snow was received.

“It is tough to tell with the strong winds, but the Ames/Des Moines area received about three inches,” said Will Kubina, a National Weather Service representative.

Kubina said Iowans should get used to the snow with winter on the horizon.

“Ames can expect to have about a half-dozen snowfalls like this a year. There is a chance of snow Wednesday, but nothing to worry about,” he said.