Oust the scoundrels

Mike Tefft

To the Editor:

Amazing! Stupendous! Unbelievably arrogant! Out of touch! What am I talking about?

“Was it just a sign of utter incompetence or lack of consideration, or was it a deliberate strategy of insult?…”

Mr. Gingrich was referring to a perceived breach of protocol by a sitting president during a long flight home from a funeral in Israel. Using that supposed slight our honored representative decided to shelve the budget.

“To hell with the budget, to hell with the president, and to hell with those Americans that actually need a signed budget to live!” Gingrich shouted loudly by his refusal to compromise.

It seems to me that Gingrich and the scoundrels who voted with him are showing THEIR incompetence, THEIR lack of consideration, and THEIR deliberate strategy of insult toward the American electorate that voted them into their very cushy offices on The Hill.

Fellow voters, who too feel a total lack of respect from our so called representatives, let’s have another, tougher round of “vote the scoundrels out!” next November.

Apparently, there are many in power who have forgotten the last election and that it wasn’t party politics that put them in their office but instead the outrage of the American people at the incumbents who for too long have worshiped at the feet of their own egos and the golden cow PAC money from vested lobbyists whispering seductions in their ears!

Let’s do it again! Anyone holding office should be voted out, again, to drive home our point and our hopes for a truly functional government that actually gives a damn about those that need them.

#2. Let’s put term limits on all who hold office, two terms maximum.

#3. Ban all lobbyists from the corridors of power and forbid taking any payments from anyone at any time, non-monetary perks included!

We do have a say in this country, now let’s use that voice to electrify those that seem to have forgotten to whom they are really accountable and for whom they are supposed to be representing! Very petty indeed, Mr. Gingrich!

Won’t you join me in voting, with joy, against the incumbents, again?!

Let’s vote the scoundrels out!

Mike Tefft

ISU Student