Copycat will send quivers up your spine

Sarah Wolf

Ooh! I’m still shiverin’ from this film! What is up with the fabulous suspense movies lately? First Seven, and now Copycat. I guess that makes up for stuff like Fair Game.

Cindy Crawford acting jokes aside, Copycat tells the story of Dr. Helen Hudson (played wonderfully by Sigourney Weaver), a criminal studies expert who has transformed from a vibrant jet-setter into an agoraphobic pill-popper following a harrowing experience with a serial killer, Daryll Lee Cullum (Harry Connick Jr., like you’ve never seen him before).

Hudson is commissioned to help police, namely Inspectors Monahan and Goetz (Holly Hunter and Dermott Mulroney, respectively) in a string of murders that seem to copy some of the more notorious serial killers in history. They’re all here, folks: Berkowitz, Dahmer, Da Salvo, Bundy. And somehow or another, Hudson is at the bottom of the whole story, and the delicious part is finding out how.

Weaver worms into her part amazingly. We can feel her anxiety as she gazes outside the window (she hasn’t left the house in over a year), but in another way, she’s incredibly strong and gutsy. And Hunter and Mulroney have marvelous chemistry as partners, not even in a sexual sort of way, but in a buddy sense.

Plus, and I’m not exactly sure why this is, but Connick is hyped up waaaay more than Hunter. What’s up with that? Not that he wasn’t creepy and great, but he has a very small part, and she seems to have much more star power, you know? One of the great mysteries, I guess.

Watch for major gore factor: throat slashings, window cleaner injections, bullets and blood spray that would put Silence of the Lambs to shame. So Copycat is definitely not for the squeamish; even the iron-stomached should bring someone along for a hand to hold/squeeze.

But considering the whole nature and plot of the movie, the blood ‘n guts is fairly appropriate, and the various shootings and knifings will definitely make you jump.

Get set for some major adrenaline and spine-shiverin’, ’cause Copycat doesn’t let up until the very last moment.

Century Cinemas, 7:10 & 9:40