Not 100 percent truth

Dan Mcleran

To the Editor:

There have been a bunch of editorials in the Daily about religion and what the Bible says or doesn’t say.

I regret to inform you that the subject of my letter to the editor is also the Bible, though my thesis is quite different.

Having been an atheist my entire life I have often been asked why I don’t believe in God. The answer I give, and have yet to receive a satisfactory rebuttal to, is the genealogy of Jesus discredits the Bible entirely? Did you know that in the book of Luke, chapter 23 I think, the genealogy of Jesus, from the creation of man to his birth, is only approximately 76 generations? Look it up and count for yourself, I may be off by a couple. The point is there is no way that the number of generations of man from Adam until Jesus could be anywhere near 76 generations.

Now, I’m not saying that the Bible and the teachings of Jesus are not good books to teach moral and ethical values for society.

I am saying that the Bible cannot and should not be accepted as 100 percent truth.

Dan McLeran


Chemical Engineering