Halloween insensitivity

Ashraf Abu-Abdou

To the Editor:

As I was walking by Lincoln Way, my eyes caught a person from KCCQ wearing a so-called Arab costume and shouting: “Trick or Treat?”

I realize this was for Halloween, but knowing that the characters represented in this event are supposed to scare us, wearing such a costume leaves the impression that Arabs are nothing but scaring people who need to be avoided.

As an Arab I find it very offensive for my culture and my values, and I am really surprised that such racism occurs in a great academic institution like ISU. I wonder what would happen if someone dressed like a Jewish Rabbi (on) Halloween? I bet my life he would be called “Racist” and “Anti-Semitic.”

During my stay here in the USA, I have seen more forms of racism like movies that apparently show only two types of characters when dealing with Arabs. One is “the thief of Baghdad,” i.e., the terrorist in modern times, and the other is “Shahrayar,” the filthy rich who look for nothing but women, and I believe the movie True Lies is not far from what I say.

My point is treat others the way you want them to treat you. It is that simple.

Ashraf Abu-Abdou
