Planners say Agriculture Week will offer something for everyone

Jennifer Carrico

Iowa State’s Agriculture Week 1995 is officially underway, with upcoming events that offer something for everyone, organizers say.

The week kicked off yesterday and events will run through Nov. 12.

“The highlights of the week include Ag Career Day and the agriculture symposium,” said Brian Meyer, communications specialist for the College of Agriculture. “These are events which many people will attend, including alumni and students from other colleges.”

Ag Career Day is Tuesday, in the Great Hall of the Memorial Union from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. It is sponsored by the Ag Business Club.

“This is a great opportunity for students to try to find their future career,” Meyer said.

The agricultural symposium, sponsored by the Collegiate Farm Bureau, will be held in the Great Hall Wednesday at 7 p.m.

Meyer said the topic this year is “The Effects of Recent Iowa Livestock Legislation on Producers, Communities and the Environment.

“The panel at the symposium will include people from government agencies and agricultural organizations, as well as livestock producers,” he said.

There will be mock interviews Monday in Agronomy Hall. “The week will wrap up on Nov. 12 with a volleyball tournament at Beyer Hall and then a dance and social at Hunky Dory’s later that night,” Meyer said.

Meyer said Ag Week is a good opportunity for people to find out more about the College of Agriculture.

“The agriculture clubs get very involved in this event and sponsor many of the events which take place,” he said.