Our ‘rights’ and what’s right

Editorial Board

The United States of America is governed by the theories, ideals and precepts found in institutional documents such as the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, etc.

It seems Superior Court Judge Patrick J. McGann forgot that when he cited Biblical passages as evidence that homosexuality is immoral, and therefore the Monmouth Council of the Boy Scouts were correct in expelling former assistant scoutmaster James Dale. Dale is a homosexual.

“It is unthinkable that in a society where there was universal governmental condemnation of the act of sodomy as a crime, that the BSA [Boy Scouts of America] could or would tolerate active homosexuality if discovered in any of its members,”the judge wrote in his Nov. 3 ruling.

The Boy Scouts is a private organization and does have a constitutional right to decide who can belong.

Unfortunately, it seems obvious people often mistake their rights for what is right. There is a difference. And McGann and the BSA seem to not be able to discern the difference.