Save the peace

Taysir Khatib

To the Editor:

The assassination of Mr. Rabin was sad news for me as well as for many others who live in the occupied West Bank and Gaza.

As a Palestinian, I grew up in a city in Palestine in what is called now the “West Bank.” I lived under the Israeli occupation on and off for about eight years during which I witnessed the brutality of the foreign occupation. I saw many mothers mourn their sons and daughters, and many wives mourn their husbands. I never had a feeling of hate toward any Israeli or a Jew, but I hated their actions. Many Palestinians felt the same way. We always dreamed of the day that we will be free and that we all can live in peace in the land of peace. When the day comes that both sides lay down their arms and start talking to each other instead of killing each other, I feel that our dream will come true. We strongly support the peace process. We are the people who want to see that our children and grandchildren can share the same land, peacefully, and both call it home. We are the majority, and we should let our voice be heard. We should not be intimidated by an assassin or a violent act. The assassination of Mr. Rabin proved that the road for peace is risky, painful, and costly; but it is the destiny of the braves. I believe that Mr. Perez together with Mr. Arafat, supported by the majority of their people will continue the peace process, and they will succeed; because if they fail, the alternative will be more wars, more bloodshed and more sorrow. Both people have suffered enough.

Taysir Khatib

Graduate Student

Professional Studies in Education