Morality v. Legality

Joel C. Fischer

To the Editor:

This letter is in response to Tim Frerking’s (column) in Thursday’s (10/19) Daily.

The problem with the abortion debate is that of Morality vs. Legality. In the United States, there is much division on the topic of abortion. Those who believe that God’s law is supreme uphold the life of the unborn, and those who believe that US law is supreme uphold the mother’s right to kill an unborn child.

My question is: When did our nation decide that our law is superior to God’s law?

Mr. Frerking commented that he believes in God. If that is so, then it follows that he would believe that we humans are not God’s equals. Following that logic further; if we are not equal to God, how is our law superior to God’s? God says, “You shall not kill.” Our law says that you have the right to kill. I have a problem with a society that claims a foundation in God, yet doesn’t hold God’s law as supreme.

Mr. Frerking also argued that “the fetus does not breathe, and it is reliant upon its mother for nutrition and oxygen.” One would not argue that a person on a respirator and receiving fluids intravenously is not alive.

Should an unborn human be subject to a different set of rules? Isn’t that discrimination? In that case, what about the rights of the unborn? We must address these questions.

If we are indeed a society founded in God, then the laws that our society creates must have a firm foundation in God’s law. If not, it is bound to fail.

Joel C. Fischer


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