Give the time, give your blood

Editorial Board

The ISU Blood Drive at the Memorial Union this week offers students and faculty an easy and convenient way to help others. With a national blood shortage, donations are desperately needed.

The entire process of giving blood takes about one hour, and the actual donation time is only 10 minutes. For approximately three minutes of mild discomfort, a pint of blood saves four lives. And afterwards, you get to sit for a moment and eat a cookie.

Giving blood is an opportunity to feel good about yourself — not for getting and A on a paper or for completing a project— but for saving lives. The chance to directly impact the lives of others is rarely as easy as this hour-long option.

The blood drive continues in the Memorial Union Great Hall today and tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Donate.