Ski club offering free program

Jennifer Young

The Iowa State Apr‚s Ski Club is offering a free program open to all students Tuesday night.

The program will take place at 8 p.m. in Durham Center, Room 171.

Kristi Koplos, president of the ISU Ski Club, said there will be three speakers at the program including Peter Buck, an orthopedic specialist and a former national ski patrol advisor.

“He will give his insight into preparing for the season and will offer suggestions into treating injuries,” Koplos said.

Also speaking at the program will be Barb Palas, a licensed physical therapist, and an equipment specialist from Michael’s Cyclery.

“This program will basically get us psyched up for the season,” Koplos said.

The Ski Club, she said, is a recreational club with about 40 members.

“It’s a pretty diverse club,” Koplos said. “We have members from Norway, India, England, greeks and nongreeks.”

The Ski Club makes two big trips during the school year during Christmas break and spring break.

This Christmas break, the club will be going to Vail, Colo., and this spring members will be traveling to Jackson Hole, Wyo.

Koplos said the club also makes trips to Minnesota for a couple weekends out of the year.

She said snowboarders and skiers of all levels are welcome to join the club.

Interested students can call Scott Silverson at 296-5598 or attend the program Tuesday night.