City continues to debate tower site

Molly Murray

The city of Ames is continuing its battle to stop U.S. Cellular of Chicago from building an 18-story tower in the downtown area.

A couple of months ago U.S. Cellular claimed a site for its tower near Grand Avenue and the Union Pacific Railroad tracks, said Don Heuss of Heuss Printing, located next to the tower site. The city has since located an alternative site for the tower on Iowa State property, according to Sterling Patterson, Ames Chamber of Commerce communications coordinator.

If U.S. Cellular does not consider the alternate site the company could face ordinance changes and a potential ban by the Zoning Adjustment Board.

“We’re sure they want to be good corporate citizens,” said city manager Steve Schainker. But, “If they build on the downtown site the city may create ordinances that wouldn’t allow them to make improvements on their property.”

The alternate site is west of Brookside Park and east of the ISU power plant’s coal piles.

“The [state] Board of Regents must approve the site. It would then become a lease agreement with the university,” Schainker said. “We’d like to thank the university for considering the site.”

Heuss Printing and ISU Credit Union, also located near the proposed downtown tower site, are in the appeal process.

“Anytime a tower is put on any property it has to go through the Zoning Adjustment Board,” Heuss said. “We feel not all guidelines were followed in this decision as we believed and understood they should be.”

If Heuss Printing and ISU Credit Union win the appeal, U.S. Cellular will have to find another site for the tower.

“Based upon conversations they are looking at the alternate site,” said Rene Niese, president-elect of the Ames Chamber of Commerce. “I asked them to review their decision and look at the alternate site as a benefit for their company and for our community.”

Niese did not know when U.S. Cellular officials would decide on the alternative site.

“They’re going to keep in close contact,” she said.