Tattooed Guru drivel

Dan Mcleran

To the Editor:

After reading the Tattooed Guru’s drivel about conservatism and conservatives in the Oct. 25 edition of the Daily, I thought I might write a little something to let him know that not all conservatives are Bible-thumping greeks.

Speaking as an atheist and also a conservative, I can tell you that the religious wing of the Republican party does not have a monopoly on conservatism.

If the Guru would have bothered to research conservatism before trashing it, he would have found out that a lot of people subscribe to conservatism for purely financial reasons. Unlike liberals, conservatives do not believe America can spend more than it can afford for an infinite period of time with no consequences. Conservatives also do not believe that the government has the right to confiscate unlimited amounts of money from the wealth producers of this nation through taxation.

You see, the Guru would have you believe that all conservatives are sexist, racist and who knows what else. This is simply not true. I don’t know if it was ignorance or just an attempt to look “cool” and “progressive-minded” that made the Guru trash an entire group of people. In any case, there was not one iota of truth in his rantings.

Dan McLeran


Chemical Engineering