Husker money

Mark A. Mills

To the Editor:

Being a fan of Nebraska Cornhusker football, I must respond to Chad Calek (“Nebraska Football Bites the Big One”, November 14, 1995) and his criticism of the Nebraska football program.

Chad, it seems that in criticizing Nebraska football, you are using the goose that lays the golden eggs for target practice. Keep in mind that every Cornhusker bowl appearance brings in millions of dollars for the Big Eight conference – of which ISU receives a portion (one-ninth, I think).

Now if Nebraska did not have such a successful football program, some of the sports now offered here at ISU would not exist because ISU would not have the money available to finance them.

So why is everyone around here so worried about the “deterioration” in the character of Nebraska football players (if such a “deterioration” is actually occurring)? If Nebraska can continue to win national championships and bring in big money for the Big Eight conference, it seems that the character of the players should only be a worry to Coach Tom Osborne and the people of Nebraska and not to the people in the other Big Eight schools.

After all, more money for the Big Eight means more money for ISU, and that translates into better sports facilities and the possible improvement of ISU athletics — football included.

I do, however, have a theory for why everyone around here is just so worried about the Nebraska football program. Perhaps the lack of a good football team here over the years caused people (including you, Chad) to live out their “winning football team” fantasies vicariously through the Nebraska football team. Perhaps these so-called “non-fans” of Nebraska football are actually fans who haven’t yet “come out of the closet.” Well, I say to you, “Come out of the closet and into the light. The truth will set you free!”


Mark A. Mills

Graduate Student
