Agriculture Career Day to be held Nov. 7

Anne Rosso

Iowa State agriculture students will get a sneak peek at career options at Agriculture Career Day Nov. 7.

The career day, sponsored by the College of Agriculture and the Agriculture Business Club, will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. About 130 local and national businesses will set up booths in the Memorial Union to meet and talk with students.

“This is an excellent opportunity to gain exposure,” said Roger Bruene, career services director for the College of Agriculture. “Ag Career Day gives representatives from businesses a chance to interact with students and give them information about career opportunities.”

Bruene said Agriculture Career Day is aimed at undergraduate students and is not limited solely to agriculture majors.

While interviews will not be granted, students can use this opportunity to hand out resumes and set up interview appointments, said Roxanne Leo, event co-chair.

“Representatives, particularly ones from out of state, like to schedule interviews the day before and after career day,” she said.

Ninety of the 130 businesses attending career day will be looking for summer hires, Bruene said.

“Summer employment is a great chance for students to see how an organization works without committing to a full-time job,” he said.

Advertising and landscape design businesses will also be on hand.

Agriculture Career Day attracts about 2,000 students throughout the day and is open to alumni, visitors from local colleges and even area farmers, Bruene said.

Leo said she would especially like to target freshman.

“We have a great deal of opportunities open to freshman. They need career exposure just like everyone else,” Leo said.

Booths will be set up in the Great Hall and Sun Room of the Memorial Union.