Memo: Fix the roof

Editorial Board

It’s time to find the money to fix the Music Hall roof — today. When students sit in class wearing raincoats and toting umbrellas and instructors are forced to move whole classes because of a chance of showers, a facility has a problem.

Music Hall has a problem. It’s had a problem for nearly a year, but a contract was signed only late last month to have the roof fixed in February. As a university, we have found funds to plant gardens, renovate condemned halls and construct new buildings, but we can’t give music students a dry place to sing?

That’s unacceptable. When the rains came Wednesday, about 15 custodians were dispatched to Music Hall to battle the water. How much did that cost? Why is it such an impossibility to fix the roof now, and save money bypassing the Band-Aid measures?

Sue Haug, head of the music department, said Wednesday, “We are doing our best to keep classes in session.”

Of all the academic pressures, professors should not have to worry about Mother Nature spitting on their classes.

The university’s response to the problem has been ridiculously slow. One official said this week that the university is doing all it can to fix the roof. How is that possible? Students are still getting wet and music staff members are still as upset as they were a year ago.

A suggestion to whoever should hear it: Fix the roof.