Frazier, George don’t deserve the Heisman.

Chad Calek

Let’s skip the crap and get straight to the point. Troy Davis should win the Heisman. I’m going to say it again for all the voters. Troy freakin’ Davis should win the freakin’ Heisman!

What makes Davis so much better than the other candidates? How could Davis’ accomplishments overshadow those of Eddie “I wish I was Tim Biakabutuka” George and Tommie “I’m glad I’m Doctor Tom’s favorite” Frazier?

I’ll tell you why!

First let’s analyze George, who is an excellent back. George plays for a winning program with a mammoth offensive line that has opened holes big enough to drive a Nebraska paddy wagon through.

While this does not take anything away from the play of George, it also doesn’t add anything. George has, at times, looked stellar.

But George’s play was overshadowed by Michigan’s Biakabatuka, a kid who first touched a football at the age of 16.

Let’s move on to Mr. Frazier. I will admit that Frazier is the most gifted quarterback in Nebraska history. But when you’re talking about passing ability, that doesn’t say much.

Now before all you die-hard Nebraska fans jump on the “How dare you talk badly about the armored saint Huskers” bandwagon, just hear me out.

If Frazier was a tailback, which I feel he would be better suited, I still believe he would probably be a Heisman candidate.

Frazier is a running back that has been highly gifted with a cannon for an arm. The only problem with the cannon is that the sights are just a little off.

Yeah, I know about all his passing records. But when compared to real passing offense, they make me giggle.

Frazier has about as much of a chance making it in the NFL as a quarterback as the fabled Bobby Utter. We love you Bob, wherever you are!

And let’s not forget who the best quarterback at Nebraska really is — Matt “The Turmanator” Turman. Of course I’m kidding!

Which brings me to my final point about Frazier. He’s expendable! Oh my! Did I say that? Of course I did.

Think about it for a second. If Frazier was replaced by Berringer, the Huskers would still be undefeated and on their way to their second consecutive national championship. But it just so happens that Osborne prefers Frazier. Lucky Tommie Frazier. It has a ring to it!

Davis has the edge over George. Davis makes his holes, and shakes tackles like a dog shakin’ fleas. George is powerful, but far from the best back in the country. Davis plays for a losing team, which says far more for what he has accomplished.

I can think of four quarterbacks better than Frazier. Two are in Florida, one lives in Ohio and the other lives in Tennessee. You know who I’m talking about.

Frazier is not the best at his position, which should immediately rule him out for the Heisman.

Davis did what no sophomore in history has done. That’s impressive.

He’s only the fifth player ever to reach 2,000 yards. He is the best tailback in the country. He is the nation’s leading rusher. He’s also a boy scout.

Just kidding! I don’t think he’s a boy scout.

But if he was, he’d be the best damn boy scout this country has ever seen! Anyway, back to the point.

Davis has made NCAA history. Frazier and George have made school history.

There’s a big difference. I just hope the Heisman voters will remember that.

Chad Calek is a sophomore from Persia, Iowa. He is the assistant sports editor of the Daily.