Caught us unaware

Tankut Atan

To the Editor:

The picture you had printed along with the story about the Turkish night made me think of a few things I would like to share.

At the beginning of the night, Dr. Jischke mentioned that ISU is in the top 15 or 20 in the nation in the number of foreign students. Diversity has long been a buzzword on this campus which has been championed by many administrators, and also by your newspaper.

You would expect more awareness and knowledge about other cultures on a campus like that. Especially the newspaper of the student body should be reflecting that fact. Instead, you had chosen to show ignorance at least in this one issue I am writing about. Meral Soylu (is a she as you indicate in the caption) is nowhere to be seen in that picture. The two men dancing in the middle are from another rich culture which will hopefully receive proper coverage if you don’t choose to print pictures from Turkish night in the article about them.

Tankut Atan

Graduate Student