Loecke wins award for third straight year

Arlene Lacayo

John Loecke, business manager of Iowa State’s ethos magazine, will be honored for the third year in a row as a College Designer of the Year at the Associated Collegiate Press’ annual fall convention.

The award will highlight work he’s done with ethos during the 1994-95 school year.

Loecke, a senior in journalism mass communication and design, is a candidate for the top three designer awards in the magazine division. The winners will be announced at the ACP convention in Washington on Nov. 4.

Last fall he received second place in the magazine division and the previous year he was named College Yearbook Designer of the Year for his work on the centennial edition of the Bomb, ISU’s defunct yearbook.

“The first time I got the award, I got attention,” Loecke said. “It was kind of strange, but it hasn’t changed me.”

To be eligible for the competition, designers must work for an ACP member publication and be enrolled in a minimum of one class other than the class producing the publication if it is produced as a class project.

Loecke was ethos’ editor in chief for one year and has been business manager for the last two years. He has been working with publications since high school.

“After ten years of doing it, you pick up on how to write a budget and work with advertisers,” Loecke said.

Loecke has seen ethos go from an academic publication to a general reading publication.

“I wanted to build up the magazine to something that had a readership of over 4,000 and was recognized nationally,” Loecke said. “I think we’ve done that to a certain extent.”

ethos received the ACP’s First Class Rating with three marks of distinction for its December 1994 and May 1995 issues. The rating is the second-highest honor ACP bestows on student-run publications in its annual critique.

Publications are judged for concept, content, writing and editing, photography, art and graphics and layout.

“Getting recognition is a nice reminder,” said Jen Schroeder, ethos editor in chief.

“Although the recognition is nice, it’s not the only thing that keeps us going. We maintain a balance. The design and writing work together.”

Loecke said it’s important that people get involved with publications. “It’s not just like joining a club,” he said. “It will help you in whatever field you go into.”