ISU volleyball team has class act seniors

April Samp

The semester is beginning to wind down, which means every student is starting to wind up because of all the projects, papers and tests that seem to get crammed into the last three weeks of school — myself included.

No matter how much planning I do or how much I think I get done in advance, I still feel like the workload never ends. Are you with me?

Well, last night after the volleyball game (see also my other article somewhere in the sports pages that covers the match) I was interviewing some of the players on their feelings about the win.

I grabbed the three seniors, Steph McCannon, Kirstin Hugdahl and Dana Mucha, who I have gotten to know in the last two seasons that I’ve covered volleyball and have found them to be not only extraordinary volleyball players, but also pretty nice people off the court.

They told me the usual stuff that I ask them after the games. You know, like what was the problem in the first game tonight? What are your feelings on tonight’s win? Do you really like your new uniforms or do you find them too constrictive to perform at your maximum performance level?

Wednesday night I asked them a couple of special questions, however.

Next Wednesday, Nov. 15, marks the seniors’ final home game of their careers and it’s set to take place in the team’s “old home,” the Physical Education Building. After asking them what being involved with ISU volleyball has meant to them, I gained new appreciation for that trio of senior stars.

Kirstin said the past four years have “definitely been the best and most fun in my life.” Dana and Steph echoed their teammate in the same sentiments. They all were very happy here not only with their coaches on the court, but off the court as well.

The three said they grew up a lot and learned life skills that will help them with life after volleyball.

Time management, discipline and responsibility are all characteristics we look for in athletes and the three seniors feel their coaches and the university have done a good job of instilling those characteristics in them.

I think a lot of times the front page news is about the running back who beat his ex-girlfriend and not about the running back who strives to be the best player he can be, day in and day out. Or the three stars of the volleyball team who have been great for ISU ever since they got here.

Imagine trying to balance classes with a full schedule of practice and games that require heavy traveling out of state at times. I admire those three and the rest of the student-athletes here at ISU who can manage their time to do well in their classes and still succeed on the playing field.

On Saturday the volleyball squad travels to Colorado to battle the Buffs for a second time this season.

A win could mean a lot to the volleyball team including a bid to the NCAA Tournament that the players have been yearning for, for a couple of seasons now, and Head Coach Jackie Nunez has been obsessing over a ticket to “Dance in December” ever since she climbed on board here at ISU three years ago.

And she should be crazy over that bid. Nunez has taken a team from having the worst record in ISU history to posting the best record ever in school history last season. Her netters just missed the chance last year.

They were gathered around the television waiting for the announcement to come over the tube, but found themselves very disappointed when the best chance they were given was an invite to the NIVC Tourney. I predict an NCAA bid for the Cyclone netters this season and I don’t have to predict that Kirstin, Steph and Dana will lead their team in their last hurrah before passing into the real world — I know they will.