Daily culprits

Dan Mangan

To the Editor:

In the “In Our Opinion…” article in the Wed., Nov. 1 issue of the [Iowa State] Daily, the editorial board says that “Mangan misses the point on Cy-Ride.”

Anyone who attended the forum on Cy-Ride could tell you that someone certainly did miss the point. The Daily editorial board, none of whom attended the forum, is the more likely culprit.

The first in a string of absolute falsehoods offered by the editorial board is the notion that “first in the cutting line is apparently Cy-Ride’s Moonlight Express.” Had the Board attended the forum, or possessed even a passing knowledge of the issue, they would know the truth.

They would know that our intention, above all, is to preserve the existence of Moonlight Express in some form, because we know that sometimes students do get a little too drunk to drive. They would know that we are currently exploring options to continue the service when its funding ends in April. They would know that students were not “condemned” for using the service. They would know, but instead they chose ignorance and out of context quotes.

The editorial board also gives the impression that the Moonlight Express is primarily used by inebriated would-be drivers, keeping them out of their cars. Not so. In fact, both the drivers and Bob Bourne, Cy-Ride director, will tell you that it is often used as a free taxi service by sober students who want to go to the theater or get pizza; and often it is used as transportation to the bar, rather than from. They would have known this too had they bothered to refer to experts on the issue, rather than their own personal impressions. Clearly, the facts are unimportant to them on this issue.

In reference to my quote “how much should we ask students to pay for people who are irresponsible enough to go out and get themselves drunk and not have a ride?” Had the board heard the whole story, they would know that I was speaking in terms of priorities. They would know that I don’t wish to see the service end, only that maintaining excellent weekday Cy-Ride service is much more important.

I feel that the editorial board generally does a superb job in assessing the merits of an issue and taking a stand. In fact, I consider most of the board personal friends of mine; so Troy, Tim, Chris, David and Jill, please don’t misunderstand. I believe that in this one instance, you have jumped to a conclusion based on incomplete information, out of context sound bites and plain falsehood.

Perhaps you should consider a response or an apology to the students who may have been alarmed or upset by your editorial — an editorial that truly “Missed the Point.”

Dan Mangan


Government of the Student Body