Peterson makes the grade

Bill Kopatich

Making the transition from high school competition to collegiate competition is difficult for most athletes. One athlete who has found little difficulty in making the big jump to the collegiate level is Iowa State freshman cross country runner Jana Peterson. She is the Daily’s Cyclone Profile athlete of the week.

Peterson, a true freshman from Webster City, started the season with a bang, finishing third in her first meet and taking first-place honors in her second meet. For these feats Jana was named Big Eight Runner-of-the-Month for September.

“I was surprised at the first couple of meets at how well I did,” Peterson said. “I really enjoy the high level of competition at the college level. It really pushes me to do my best.”

Women’s cross country coach Dick Lee calls Peterson a team leader who leads by example.

“Jana sets an example by running hard in practice,” Lee said. “The other runners feed off this.”

Balancing her time between her academic, athletic and club activities is Jana’s top priority right now. In addition to cross country, Peterson also takes part in Students Against Drunk Driving, Society for Women Engineers and is in the freshman honors program.

“I like being busy; it forces me to balance my time better,” she said.

“I decided to go out for cross country and track in high school because my older sister participated in both. I really liked it and found out that I was pretty good at it.”

Peterson did more than just pretty good in high school cross country and track competition. She was the state cross country champion her senior year, in addition to being a three event winner at the state track meet.