PrISUm raffle offering free tuition

Crispina Chong

A grand prize of one semester’s undergraduate in-state tuition is up for grabs for any Iowa State student.

All students have to do is buy a $1 Solar Sweep raffle ticket from ISU’s solar car team, Team PrISUm.

The grand prize offers up to $1,400 in tuition for any student for the spring semester, said Beth Hunter, president of Team PrISUm. The prize will not be paid in cash but into the winner’s university bill for the spring semester.

The solar car team is also offering a first prize of a $300 gift certificate to the Memorial Union Bookstore for any ISU student, faculty or staff member, Hunter said.

There will also be two second-place prizes of an ISU sweatshirt from T-Galaxy and two third-place prizes of a large pizza from Happy Joe’s.

Tickets will be sold beginning today from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the entrance of Marston Hall. Team PrISUm members will also be selling tickets at the residence hall food services.

Tickets can also be clipped out of advertisements in the Iowa State Daily and brought to Marston Hall, the Aerospace and Engineering Mechanics office in Black Engineering or given to Team PrISUm members. Team PrISUm members are hoping to sell 8,000 tickets. Proceeds will fund the building of a new solar car.

“We wrecked our car in an accident on the last day of the SunRayce this summer,” Hunter said. “We need money to build a new car.”

The team’s solar car PrISUm Cynergy crashed into the guard rail of a bridge when one of its tires exploded on the last stretch of the SunRayce 1995.

“We want to build a replica of our car to use it in testing for modifications for the car we will build for the next race,” Hunter said. “The race we’re looking at right now is SunRayce 1997.”

The car will also be used for presentations and for educational outreach programs.

“This is a make-or-break situation,” Hunter said. “If we don’t raise the funds to do what we do, we could be shut down. If we can sell more than 8,000 tickets, then it’s apparent that the ISU community definitely has an interest in the solar car team.”