A balanced person

Mike Tefft

To the Editor:

In response to Carrie Ohlendorf’s letter, I loved the subject and personal title of your letter in the Daily.

My belief is that becoming a balanced human being is the first goal in our education, everything else takes 2nd place!

Some years back in the 80s I lived in Nepal in Kathmandu. While there I had the pleasure of traveling to the Tibetan Relief Center in Darjeeling, West Bengal and personally meet some of the surviving refugees from the Tibetan flight before the Chinese communists. The challenge for us, as interested people in our fellow humans plight in Tibet, is how to persuade our government bent on economic and political aspirations with China to express our indignity and outrage to the Chinese government over their hideous treatment of the Tibetans.

And in light of their past and present actions talk and symbolic slaps on the wrist have done nothing except embarrass ourselves in front on Chinese hardliners.

So what can we do? The first step is to talk with our political leaders and demand action on a grand scale. It smacks of so much hypocrisy to applaud the Dalai Lama’s speeches in their own chambers and then court the Chinese government with bills aimed at economic lovemaking between our nations.

Possibly the best route is to join the Dalai Lama in his education of the world and hope that sometime the world will rise above the mundane and actually confront the dragon of China, ignoring the flames of threats, and demand that Tibetans be liberated and their leader allowed to return in peace.

Also on the path to becoming a true human being…

Mike Tefft

