Scoring wrong points

Daphne Myers and Denise Smith

To the Editor:

Lately (we) have been very disgusted towards the advertisements from Home Team Pizza.

The first advertisement (we) noticed was a picture of a keg with the word “Score” beside it. To (us) the ad said a keg with Home Team Pizza was the right thing to do. The two were supposed to go together and that promoted alcohol use.

The second ad (we) noticed was a picture of a condom with the same word “Score” beside it. Underneath that picture was a condom with boxes of Home Team Pizza with “Score Big” beside it. (We) do not understand what pizza and condoms have in common. (We) do not feel Home Team Pizza is trying to be a socially conscious marketer, so why are they doing this? (We) understand that Home Team Pizza is trying to just grab students’ attention. (We) feel they are using too big of social issues just to promote their pizza, though. (We) do not feel they are setting a very good example to the students of Iowa State University.

Condoms should be used to promote safe sex, not for advertising sex as “Scoring Big.” Home Team’s advertising is definitely giving a false image of college students to our community. Some of us really aren’t sex and alcohol crazed… just to keep the records straight.

Daphne Myers


Journalism Mass Communication

Denise Smith


Journalism Mass Communication