Top 10 turkey list

Editorial Board

One of the most dangerous holidays to be on the road is just around the corner. But for students who have been surviving on Ramen Noodles and used Snickers the past three months, what’s on the folks’ table this Turkey Day may be the most life threatening.

Thanksgiving is typically a time for food and lots of it, but praying to the porcelain god just isn’t a lot of fun. Turkey is good. Damn good. Too much, however, is bad. Damn bad.

The top 10 reasons not to O.D. on turkey come Nov. 23:

10. It’s twice as dry on the way back up.

9. Turkey can be a natural aphrodisiac at a relatives gathering? ‘Nuff said.

8. It probably ain’t gonna be no Butterball.

7. Turkeys have complex social lives. (Number seven comes to you courtesy of former Daily columnist Aaron Lehmer.)

6. E. Coli.

5. You’d be neglecting the gourds.

4. Grandma’s gonna be p.o.’ed if you don’t have room for pumpkin pie.

3. It might not be dead.

2. Turkey can sit for hours in your stomach and give off some nasty gas.

1. Cornucopias don’t hold a lot of vomit.

But even if you should happen to ingest too much turkey during this much-needed break, still remember to have fun. You’ve just completed the longest stretch of the year without a break, so take time to unwind. Don’t forget to come back, though.