Poor sports coverage

April D. Ross

To the Editor:

Once again, I am disappointed in the coverage of women’s sports at Iowa State by the Daily. As I opened Monday’s edition (10-9-95) to read the highlights of the Cyclone Women’s Volleyball match against #1 ranked Nebraska (10-7-95), an article on the match was no where to be found. No article … no photo … ZIP!!!

However, the Daily devoted space for two feature articles and a sports editorial to ISU football. Hey, there is more than one athletic team competing at this university. I’m proud of the improvement in our football program and their progress certainly deserves print.

Wouldn’t it be a novel idea to have equitable coverage of all Iowa State Athletic Teams in a timely manner? Maybe it’s time to evaluate coverage assignments, deadlines and utilization of print space.

April D. Ross

Grad. Student

Sports Management