Show support for Catt

Editorial Board

Seventy-five years ago, the 19th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution was ratified, granting women the right of suffrage. A major part of winning that right was played by ISU alumna Carrie Chapman Catt.

This week, Iowa State will honor Catt in a celebration that will culminate with the dedication of Carrie Chapman Catt Hall and the Plaza of Heroines. Formerly known as Old Botany, the building will house the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the Department of Philosophy, and several academic programs, including the Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women in Politics.

Week-long ceremonies honoring Catt coincide with Women’s Week ’95, which will bring several keynote speakers, as well as hundreds of other participants to campus. Scholastic and political panels, dramatic performances, lectures and inspirational readings will be held daily on central campus.

The activities planned promise to be important celebratory and educational experiences, and you’re encouraged to participate. In memorium of Catt, and in respect of the fight for equality that women continue to wage, please come out and show your support.

More information about this week’s specific events can be found in last Friday’s Daily insert, September 29th’s Inside Iowa State, or by calling the University Relations office at 4-6136.