Harkin a leader

W. A. Pritchard

To the Editor:

Iowa needs more leaders like Tom Harkin. Harkin was one of a few Democratic senators to support the balanced budget amendment despite his party leadership’s opposition.

He is also willing to stand up to Republicans, though, when their proposals would hurt the state. The Republican budget targets rural Medicare beneficiaries and hospitals: Cuts Medicare for rural Americans by $58 billion — a 20 percent cut in 2002 — just to pay for a huge tax cut for the wealthy: Higher out-of-pocket costs and a second class Medicare program for the 9.6 million older and disabled Americans in rural areas. Many rural hospitals will be forced to close — sometimes the only hospital for miles, leaving rural Americans with nowhere to turn for the health care they need.

By cutting student loans, the Republicans will keep thousands of Iowa young people from seeking a better future. The Republican budget targets farmers: 25 percent bite out of farm programs — jeopardizing the rural way of life in America. Cuts come right out of the pockets of farmers — net farm income for target price crops and soybeans is expected to decline by $9 billion over seven years.The Republican budget raises taxes (by ending the Earned Income Tax Credit that Reagan approved) on four million rural working families by an average of $352.

If good ole’ Jesse Helms gets six more friends in the Senate, there will be a filibuster-proof majority, so any legislation, no matter how extreme, will sail through. Does Iowa really want to replace Tom Harkin with some obscure, far-right wing Republican? This Republican hopes that Iowa does not.

W. A. Pritchard

Overland Park, KS