Field renovation done right

Editorial Board

Good things are happening to Jack Trice Field. Who could argue with the following scenario: Through one major upgrade the athletic department is virtually promising better recruitment, less player injuries and slashed maintenance costs.

And one more benefit — the upgrade will not cost students a dime.

The renovation being referred to is the recent decision to replace the artificial turf on Jack Trice Field with grass.

The artificial turf on the field is 10 years old and has required a lot of expensive maintenance costs. Nearly all players and coaches agree that grass is a much better playing surface. Numerous studies have shown that grass is safer than artificial turf, not to mention the fact that players in general feel much more comfortable playing on grass.

Not only will the replacement be funded almost completely by donations, officials have estimated that the change to grass will save the program nearly $1 million in decreased maintenance costs over the next 20 years.

And for some who may be worried that Cyclone Stadium will no longer host concerts with the new surface in place, officials have said the grass will not hinder such future events.

So for those die-hards out there that claim football just isn’t football without natural grass, get ready for some real football next fall.