Concerns expressed over smoking ban

Bill Kopatich

Did the Memorial Union Board of Directors come to a hasty decision prohibiting smoking in the Trophy Tavern at its last meeting?

Some people on campus have expressed concern that the Union Board of Directors passed a resolution during closing remarks without any research and little student input.

The resolution, which was not on the agenda, prohibits smoking in the Trophy Tavern and Food Court. Construction on a Union renovation project is to begin later next month. There will be no access to the Trophy Tavern during construction.

“The bill came up at the last minute,” said Brian Messenger, vice-president of the Student Union Board. “The decision was made very hastily, without any discussion.”

When the bill goes into effect, the only place in the Union where smoking will be allowed is the Maintenance Shop. The Maintenance Shop closes at 10 p.m. on most nights, while the Trophy Tavern stays open 24 hours a day.

Messenger and Matthew Goodman, another member of the board, agreed that the bill was passed with haste.

“The members of the board came to their decision without gathering a lot of information,” Goodman said.

Many smokers who use the Trophy Tavern agree.

“It would displace a lot of smokers,” said Jeff Gahman, a senior in business. “Most smokers would not have a reason to come to the Memorial Union if they ban smoking in the Trophy Tavern.”

Kirste Vesterfelt estimates she spends between $25 to $50 per week at the Trophy Tavern. “I’m not going to stay here if I can’t smoke,” Vesterfelt said. “I don’t think that it is fair that just because I smoke, I will not have a place to go after 10 p.m.”

Smokers point out that the Trophy Tavern is a place to socialize and they respect the rights of nonsmokers by only smoking there. A petition protesting the decision had 200 signatures in six hours.

The Government of the Student Body passed a resolution at its last meeting that questions the board’s decision without the input of ISU students.