Officials: Underage night a success

Jennifer Holland

Homecoming officials and bar owners said Wednesday’s “Night-On-The-Town” was successful despite a large number of citations issued to minors for underage possession of alcohol.

A “Night-On-The-Town” allowed those 18 and older to enter Campustown bars.

“It was a successful night. It’s great for underage people to experience life in a bar, ” said Tom Zmolek, owner of People’s.

But Zmolek said he was concerned about minors accidentally being served alcohol. “Of-age people were given wrist bands and minors were stamped. Of-age people were supposed to be able to drink,” he said.

According to police records, 26 minors were caught by police in possession of alcohol in three Campustown bars — Tazzles, 126 Welch, The Dean’s List, 2522 Chamberlain St. and People’s, 2430 Lincoln Way.

Regardless, organizers said the event went over reasonably well.

“The night was successful because it gave various groups of people the chance to get out and participate in Homecoming events. The night represented a diversified portion of the student body,” said Vanessa Lutz, Homecoming community service coordinator.

The Homecoming Committee had three members at each bar as well as three campus and alumni representatives patrolling the premises for underage drinkers, Lutz said.

Zmolek said it’s the burden of the bars not to serve minors.

“In the past on these nights during Greek Week the number of citations have been small. Bartenders have their job on the line. They won’t serve to minors, but who’s to say an of-age person didn’t buy a drink and turn around and hand it off to a minor?” Zmolek said.