Speeding enforced

Don Castle

To the Editor:

I was reading the Iowa State Daily and read the article “House Votes to Drop Federal Speed Limits.” This means Iowa can set their own speed limits. After reading the article, it would seem everyone is in a big uproar. It all seems a moot point to me. I have lived in Iowa a year and two months. My job requires I drive about 4,000 miles per month and from what I have seen of Iowa drivers, they drive as fast as their automobile will run.

I do not think the speed limit really has any bearing on it. I do not think, wether the speed limit is 40 or 90, that we are going to be able to tell the difference.

What we need is more enforcement of the speed limit, whatever speed is decided on. It is so bad I cheer every time I see a state trooper with someone pulled over. And we won’t even talk about city driving. My vocabulary is not large enough to describe how bad it is. I believe the Iowa Highway Patrol has more job security than anyone.

Don Castle

Ames resident