International week wraps up with gala in the Great Hall

Jenny Hykes

Wailing bagpipes led a procession of men in plaid kilts and women in long, white dresses. Palestinian students kicked and swayed in an exuberant dance celebrating their struggle for independence.

Smiling women in colorful flowered skirts twirled past men in classic Panamanian hats. Turkish dancers spun and jumped to energetic folk music and the beat of a clapping audience.

From the peaceful strains and eerie drumming of Indian music to the Scottish bagpipe and flute to the zestful Puerto Rican band, the finale of International Week 1995 Friday night in the Memorial Union celebrated many cultures with traditional music, dance and costumes.

Tieu Hinh, chairman of International Week 1995, said he felt the week succeeded in introducing people to the cultures represented at Iowa State.

“I was very happy with the turnout. It was good to see all the smiling faces, ” Hinh said.

The most successful event, Hinh said, was the Global Food Festival Oct. 22. Besides celebrating cultures, another goal of the week was to raise money for International Student Financial Aid (ISFA). ISFA helps international students facing financial emergency or an unforeseen family crisis.

Hinh said he hopes the week can be even more successful in getting more ISU students and faculty involved next year.

“All this planning is for students and faculty who don’t know the cultures and customs. [It’s] to introduce the customs to new people, not just for international students,” he said. “We hope in the future through more programming and publicity, International Week can become as popular as Veishea or Homecoming.”