Parking permit theft is rampant

Jennifer Holland

Forget the stereo, CDs and loose cash, those pesky campus bandits are after something more valuable — parking permits.

A major problem on campus is stolen parking permits, said Lisa Safaeinili, manager of safety and health for Iowa State’s Department of Public Safety.

“There is an average of three parking permits stolen per week,” Safaeinili said. Thieves are usually after general or reserve staff parking permits. The latest report indicated 50 staff and 30 residence hall/student parking permits are unaccounted for.

“It’s a big problem. These numbers do not include stadium parking permits,” Safaeinili said.

The stolen permits are either altered or resold. Usually they are sold to unsuspecting freshmen.

“Freshmen beware,” said Safaeinili. “Only buy parking permits from the parking division.”

Using a stolen parking permit is a criminal act.

“Either altered or stolen it is a crime. Unfortunately, the person who buys the permit is the one who gets in trouble,” Safaeinili said.

People caught with a stolen permit face an $80 fine and a blemish on their criminal record.

“Typically with stolen permits, criminal charges are filed,” Safaeinili said. When a car is found with a stolen or altered permit, it is towed and impounded and the person responsible for the car faces criminal charges.