ISU blood drive to be held soon

Lori Mescher

Iowa State’s 1995 Fall Blood Drive is just around the corner, and organizers are encouraging everyone to roll up their sleeves.

The blood drive will be held Oct. 30 through Nov. 3 in the Great Hall of the Memorial Union. Blood donation hours are Monday through Thursday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Friday 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

“We recommend getting plenty of sleep and eating a good meal before donating blood,” said Jeremy Galvin, co-director for the blood drive.

People who have had a tattoo since last October or have had any body piercing, other than in the ear, are not eligible to donate blood. This is to ensure the blood is not infected by needles or ink.

“If you’re not feeling well or are on medication, you will probably be denied,” Galvin said. “The whole process, from when you walk in, takes about an hour. The actual donation process takes about 20 minutes.”

Nurses will ask donors a series of questions when they walk in. “The questions are usually what you had to eat, if you’re on medication and if you’ve had a tattoo in the last year,” Galvin said.

By pricking the finger, nurses test the blood to check the iron level. For the health of the donor, blood will not be taken if iron levels are too low.

“We require people to have juice and cookies afterwards, and there are nurses on call in case someone gets sick or faints,” Galvin said.

This year’s blood drive has a goal of 1,800 donors, based on last year’s 1,700-person turnout. “With 25,000 students at ISU, it shouldn’t be much of a problem to get 2,000 people.”

The donated blood is sent to blood banks around central Iowa.

The ISU blood drive is known as the largest student-run blood drive in the nation.