More options for Greek System

Editorial Board

Sigma Nu fraternity’s decision to become a dry house is good for the ISU Greek System. Beginning Jan. 1, 1996, ISU’s Sigma Nu chapter will no longer allow alcohol on its premises.

The decision was made after the fraternity was suspended by Sigma Nu nationals for violating a risk reduction policy.

Since Sigma Nu chapters nationwide will become dry by the year 2000, officials at the ISU chapter decided to implement the alcohol free policy a few years earlier than required.

The fraternity joins Alpha Sigma Phi and FarmHouse as the third fraternity on campus that is considered to be dry.

Sigma Nu offers another option to prospective Greek System members who are looking for alcohol free fraternities.

Apparently, the option has been well-received. Alpha Sigma Phi has over 40 members, and FarmHouse has reached membership capacity.

Sigma Nu’s decision to go dry reflects a national trend. By continuing the trend at ISU, Sigma Nu shows concern both for its chapter and for the ISU Greek System as a whole.