Our own voice

Aaron Wilmot

To the Editor:

In response to Tyler Wayne Roach’s article “Silence about Anti-Semitism in America” I have a few things to say.

First, I think you need to be a little more skeptical when you are reading something printed in the press, but seeing how you don’t I realize that you are just being led around deaf, dumb and blind to the matters ongoing in this society, I guess that seems to explain your entire article and the way your mind works.

This brings me to the point of Minister Farrakhan. Minister Farrakhan is a realist, maybe since the majority of the evils in this country don’t affect you, you can’t understand the truth, or maybe you’re just afraid of it.

Minister Farrakhan simply states the problems that are out there so it is in plain sight for all those that are deaf to hear, dumb to become educated, and blind to see. I guess 440 years of oppression will do that to a person(s). Speaking on the Jews, Minister Farrakhan realizes that there were 6 million exterminated under Hitler’s regime and that is a tragedy, but do you realize that for the last four and a half centuries there are 150 million, and counting, African-Americans that have been and are still being exterminated?

If Minister Farrakhan is wrong for thinking this is more disturbing, considering the length of the struggle and the fact that it is still occurring, then so be it, so am I. You can take that however you please Mr. Roach. Minister Farrakhan also tells the truth when it comes to African-Americans, saying that we need to start making things happen, take care of our communities, we need to stop killing each other, does this mean that he’s anti-Black, I think not Mr. Roach. He is simply telling us how to become one, instead of gettin’ done (if you need me to explain that just give me a call).

Next to say that there were only a half of a million people at this march is ludicrous.

I was there along with seven other brother’s from Iowa State and we can attest that there were, at the least, 1.5 million people there. To say otherwise is ill intentioned, malicious, and a slap in African-American’s faces. YOU assume that there couldn’t have been l.5 million Black Men in the same spot with no troubles; well I have news for you and any other who feels as you do: African Americans do have a voice and we are about to be heard.

Also to have the nerve to say that it was not a success for African-Americans is one of the most egotistical things I have ever heard in my life. Who empowered you with the insight of what is and isn’t good for African-Americans?

Then again, what do you know about African-Americans? Obviously you know nothing of the past or present as far as race relations are concerned, and if you can’t understand that very easily comprehended piece of data, then you certainly can’t even fathom what an African-American mind set is composed of. Speaking as an African-American male I felt that the march was a complete success for African-Americans, I also believe that I am a little more qualified to give an opinion on this issue than you, and your arrogant mindset.

One thing that stands out in my mind more clearly than anything anymore is that we will not let you, the press, dictate to us what’s good and what’s bad, I believe that Hitler did that to Germany, and if I remember what is what called correctly, it was propaganda.

So before you decide to be as bold as to speak for 32 million people make sure that you know who you are speaking about, and certainly don’t speak for me or any other of MY PEOPLE!

We have our own voices and our own opinions and WE will express them as We please. We don’t need a view that comes from the exterior, as you can see, I’ll leave the investigation up to you, it is writings like yours that are helping in the genocide of My people in this Nation, so stop your lies and bear witness to the truth.

In closing, I would just like to say peace to all of the brothas and sistas on campus and remind you as I was well reminded this weekend if we don’t take care of us no one, even the king of diversity himself, Martin Jishcke and his side kick Tom Thielen, will.

Aaron Wilmot

