A week of learning

Editorial Board

National Coming Out Week got underway yesterday, giving Iowa State, and indeed the country, yet another chance to at least understand gays, lesbians and bisexuals.

ISU’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Alliance has put together a smattering of events and activities that cater to everyone. Former Des Moines school board member Jonathan Wilson spoke on campus yesterday. There’s an extravaganza planned for Saturday and Candace Gingrich will be here Wednesday.

For straight students, the week is a good opportunity to learn more about another way of life that’s not so radically different from his/her own.

Whether certain blind politicians, i.e. the other Gingrich, recognize the gay lifestyle, the fact remains that gays, lesbians and bisexuals are discriminated against daily because of their sexual orientation.

For a nation that prides itself on being all things to all people, we do a very poor job of recognizing those that are different than us. It’s not a crime to be gay and hopefully heterosexuals and homosexuals alike will better realize that this week.

Even if you’re not about to come out of the closet, or even if you’ve never been in or plan to be in the closet, take time this week to think about how you treat those who don’t fit the narrow definition of “the norm.”