Home business conference held soon

Elaine Ackert

Last year, two million people started home businesses and by the end of 1996 an estimated 44 percent of all U.S. households will have some sort of office activity.

Because of this growing trend, two Iowa companies, Integrity Communications and Mail Boxes Etc., are sponsoring a Home Business Conference Saturday, Oct. 14 in the Scheman Building of the Iowa State Center from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The theme of the conference is “Innovation through Independence.”

“I feel strongly that by the year 2010, between 50 to 60 percent of people will be working out of their homes, whether it be independently or through another business,” said Clare Bills, founder of the public relations company Integrity Communications.

Reiva Lesonsky, editor in chief of Entrepreneur Magazine will be the keynote speaker. JoAnna Lund, a cookbook author and owner of her own business, Healthy Exchanges, will also be speaking.

Forty exhibits and 28 small group sessions will be hosted by Iowa businesses that hold a vested interest in Iowa, Bills said.

“Some of the sessions deal directly with sharpening entrepreneurial skills, learning to balance time, learning to connect with others and learning independence skills, all of which are important for those still in school,” she said.

Both Integrity Communications and Mail Boxes Etc. are familiar with starting and maintaining home businesses.

Justin Weeces, manager of Mail Boxes Etc. at 3704 Lincoln Way, said: “Our company is geared towards working with and helping advance small businesses.”

“This conference is perfect for those who want to start their own business but are not sure if they have what it takes,” Bills added. “This is also a good opportunity for those that already have their own business to expand.”

The registration fee is $50. There is an additional fee of $15 for a full lunch or $8 for a box lunch. Registration forms are available at Mail Boxes Etc. stores, Norwest Banks and Small Business Development Centers. They are also available from Clare Bills at (515) 292-7154.