International handcraft sale to be held

Amy Schneider

Iowa State’s Memorial Union is sponsoring an International Handcraft Sale in the Oak Room throughout the week in conjunction with International Week.

The sale, scheduled each day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., will offer a variety of hand-crafted items made in 35 third-world countries. Some of the craft items will include clothing and accessories, wood, jewelry, musical instruments, holiday decorations and baskets.

The sale was organized by Worldly Goods, a nonprofit organization that sponsors third-world artists.

Andy Kitzmann, program advisor for the Union, said, “Worldly Goods has contracts with artists from third-world countries and agrees to sell their work in North America and Europe.”

Kitzmann said the money made through the International Handcraft Sale and other events sponsored by Worldly Goods goes to families in underdeveloped countries.

“One thousand dollars will feed one family for a year,” he said.

Kitzmann said the money that is left over after donations and shipping charges will go to the artists who participate in the program.

This year, he said, the sale is geared more toward college students. The price range of the craft items are more affordable and there will be more items.