Four ISU students arrested for bootlegging

Jennifer Holland

Law enforcement officials seized 29 kegs and arrested four Iowa State students for bootlegging at a farm south of Ames Saturday night.

Officials arrested Nathan Miller, 22, a junior in chemical engineering, 9303 Wallace Hall; Aaron Hamann, 19, a freshman in aerospace engineering, 9360 Wallace Hall; David Requet Jr., 18, a freshman in chemical engineering, 9324 Wallace Hall; and Jerry Solovitz III, 18, a freshman in business, 9319 Wallace Hall.

Wrist bands were sold in advance and transportation was provided to and from the party at Baker’s Acres farm every 20 minutes, said Jerry Stewart, associate director of the ISU Department of Public Safety.

Musical entertainment and an unlimited amount of alcohol was provided for a flat fee. Those serving the alcohol did not check IDs and allowed underage people to be served.

Local law enforcement agencies began an investigation when they were made aware of the party by fliers circulated on campus, said Lt. Rhonda Goosic of the Story County Sheriff’s Office.

Officials said they were concerned about the safety of the people attending the unsupervised event.

“We were told to hit the party early before the crowd size was too large. The intent was not to make a large number of arrests. It was to find the evidence and take appropriate enforcement action,” Stewart said.

Twelve people were directly observed in possession of alcohol and cited for underage possession.

“These large organized parties are not uncommon. These events are not sponsored by the Residence Halls. Organizers just live there,” Stewart said. “Students may think it’s a safe way to party, but a flat fee for unlimited amounts of alcohol makes people drink more.”

It would take 400-500 people to drink all of the 29 kegs of beer, said Chuck Connors, manager of The Keg Shop on Welch Ave. Connors said it’s “very unusual” for someone to purchase 29 kegs.

The four charged with bootlegging were transported to the Story County Sheriff’s Office.

The joint investigation involved the sheriff’s office, DPS, Ames police, Story County Sheriff’s Reserve and the county attorney’s office. Additional charges may be filed, pending completion of the investigation.