Homophobic misconceptions

Jerry Netolicky

Deja vu. Not quite. I was initially surprised at the number of confused responses to my first letter and wish I could respond to each.

Maybe we need a Christian bi-weekly columnist to clarify some issues, what do you think Barstow? I found Beverly Mau’s response to be the most noteworthy. “Do not preach God’s will and expect to hide behind God. Do not cower, Mr. Netolicky, for if you truly believe in what you are saying, you will allow a retort to be bestowed upon your God-fearing head.” Hummm…

I do believe very strongly in what I was saying, as it was God’s will, just like you said. Why should I expect to hide behind God for “preaching God’s will?” Do I really need to hide because I told you what He said. Why? And what would I be hiding from?

He is the only one I need to be concerned with. He told Christians to preach the gospel. Is he going to allow “a retort to be bestowed upon my head” because I did that? This doesn’t make any sense from a Christian OR secular point of view. You refer to me as a Christian activist. I’m honored, but unworthy, though you are at least headed in the right direction.

I think of the company my two daughters and I had to our home last night, one being gay and the other bisexual. My kids and I are not queer (not my word), nor have we ever been, but intolerant, homophobic and bigot are labels put on me by the ignorant (intolerant?) that don’t belong to US either. You refer to me attending your LGBA, which I have, along with other students for extra credit in speech. We represented different cultures and religions, both male and female. I’ll be polite, short and sweet. We didn’t dig it.

You said you’re glad I’m getting a degree in genetics. Am I supposed to discover that you are attracted to other women because it’s in you’re genes? In my opinion, SOME queers, MAY be genetically predisposed to that type of behavior. SOME people because of their genetic make up MAY find it easier to become alcoholics than others. So what? WE ALL HAVE THINGS TO OVERCOME, or do we respond like Tom Soppe and say “…we are fine the way we are. Why else would he/she have made us this way’?”‘ Ted Bundy had a strong desire to kill people. Some people are compulsive thieves, while others continuously have affairs, but like Tom says, I guess they are fine the way they are. I mean, why else would God have made them that way?

We don’t have total control over our desires, (they can be influenced) but for the most part we can control our actions. We can have a desire (be tempted) to have an immoral relationship homo- or hetero-, but we don’t fly through the air (I don’t believe you’re possessed) and wake up in somebody else’s bed. Nor are we puppets on a string destined to bow down to each desire.

Some of us today are living different lives, as many ungodly desires have been changed, or at least we are not a slave to them, though our genes remain unchanged. The greatest gift God gives us is the power to choose. This isn’t about a minor in religion, this is about a living God that dwells among His people and changed lives even today.

If a queer ever gets tired of living THE LIE, God will accept them as they are. They DO NOT have to change to BECOME a Christian. Give it to Him. This is not the same as those that rewrite the scripture so they can continue to go THEIR own they and believe HE will change to accommodate THEIR desires.

Not only Christian publications, but T. and even Reader’s Digest, contain accounts of those that with God’s help are no longer practicing the lifestyle. Other queers claim it can’t be done. Both groups have accomplished what they set out to do. I know you consider the Christians your enemy, John 3:20 but they are the only ones that have been honest with you A therapist will tell you how to accept it, an LGBA meeting will make you comfortable and Christians will tell you what the scripture says.

Most choose the path of least resistance which is one reason why Jesus said, “Small is the gate and narrow is the road that leads to life, and few are those that find it..” Matt. 7:14. Just remember it’s Him you stand before on judgement day, not your therapist or the newest LGBA speaker. It’s pointless to continue debating interpretation of scripture because Christians will always see this issue (and others) through different eyes.

The reason is “That which is born of flesh is flesh and that which is born of Spirit is spirit.” John 3: This is why Jesus said “…unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of god.” He is talking about becoming a Christian (Scott Andresen, you asked about this – John 3:1-21) and heaven, but ALSO “seeing” or understanding spiritual issues.

The apostle Paul wrote in a letter to the Christians in Corinth: “We have not received the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we may, understand… what God has freely given US. The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him… and they are spiritually discerned. (l Cor. 2:12,14.) This is why John Hayden, with “Bible banter,” and many others have been able to clearly interpret God’s will concerning homosexuals and the city of Sodom. Others respond, some not even able to find the scripture, and those that do find it don’t have a clue as to what it means. This is the same group, that when they stand before God on judgement day and are asked to give an account of their lives (as the scripture says we all will) may still be talking about others eating shellfish and wearing clothes made of two fibers, none of which has anything to do with this subject.

Some (came) “out of the closet” on the week of Oct. 11, and celebrate(d) their “outing,” proudly proclaim their new birth, but does this truly symbolize their salvation… or just the beginning of the end?

Jerry Netolicky is a sophomore in genetics at Iowa State University.